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Our range of free services

Im Vordergrund ragt von der linken Seite das Wappen des Frankfurter Weinguts ins Bild. Hierauf ist ein weißer Adler auf rotem Hintergrund zu sehen. Im Hintergrund des Wappens sind drei Fachwerkhäuser des Römerbergs zu erkennen.

Frankfurt Economic Development supports business activities and development in the city’s various districts via its Competence Centre for Business Advice and District Management (Kompetenzzentrum Gewerbeberatung & Stadtteilmanagement). Its services range from advising companies on individual issues to large-scale projects that help to boost the attractiveness and overall economic development of the city’s urban districts.

As an intermediary between businesses and the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Business Advice team is your point of contact on a wide range of topics and can provide you with support in solving any challenges on site.

Im Vordergrund ragt von der linken Seite das Wappen des Frankfurter Weinguts ins Bild. Hierauf ist ein weißer Adler auf rotem Hintergrund zu sehen. Im Hintergrund des Wappens sind drei Fachwerkhäuser des Römerbergs zu erkennen.

Our range of services

What can we do for you?

  • Advising small and medium-sized enterprises on problems connected with the location
  • Mediation in conflicts with municipal authorities, companies and other institutions
  • Identifying administrative channels for authorisation issues
  • Support with sourcing commercial sites
  • Business-related information on urban districts and locations
  • Launching and supporting projects to promote economic interests as part of urban district development
  • Tackling industry-specific issues and developing business sector projects
  • Support for trade associations and local business interest groups


Get in touch!

Looking for more specific support? Feel free to get in touch with the relevant contact at one of our competence centres.


Trade associations and business interest groups

Frankfurt am Main has more than 30 local trade associations and business interest groups. They act on behalf of a specific city district or sector, and their activities focus on joint advertising campaigns, informal exchanges between members and mutual support. By joining forces with other companies, they are able to pool interests and represent them in dealings with local politicians and administration.

We have supported the establishment of and work carried out by trade associations and business interest groups in a variety of ways:

  • Financial aid
  • Initiating new projects and assisting with project content
  • Promoting cooperation between trade associations
  • Close cooperation with the redevelopment of vacant properties


Questions about trade associations and business interest groups? Feel free to contact us directly!

Other links and downloads

What matters to you

We can assist you before you contact the relevant authorities and advise you on how to apply for the relevant permit.

You will find your contacts here.

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