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Ein Bild der Außenterrasse des Messestandes Frankfurt RheinMain auf der MIPIM 2023

MIPIM, Marché International des Professionnels de l'Immobilier, is regarded as one of the world's leading property trade fairs and attracts international decision-makers from all property sectors to Cannes on the French Riviera. As such, MIPIM provides exclusive access to property projects and investors.

The MIPIM Awards are presented to outstanding international property projects. The award-winning projects have already included a number of developments in Frankfurt, including: the Maintor area on the Main, the office and commercial property The Squaire with DB long-distance railway station at Frankfurt Airport and the Dom-Römer area, the "New Frankfurt Old Town".

Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH operates its own joint trade fair stand with an exclusive outdoor terrace on behalf of the City of Frankfurt am Main. This joint stand provides companies from the property sector with an outstanding opportunity to exhibit, thus enabling the city and the property industry to jointly present the strengths and innovative capacity of the location to potential customers, investors and parties interested in relocating to Frankfurt.

Further information on MIPIM and the MIPIM Awards can be found at www.mipim.com and www.mipimawards.com.



Frankfurt RheinMain at MIPIM

Years as an exhibitor
Yearly attendance

Opportunities to exhibit

At the joint stand

Together with companies from the local and regional property sectors, the City of Frankfurt am Main showcases its position as an innovative, vibrant and attractive property location at MIPIM.

Are you interested in exhibiting at the MIPIM property fair? We would love to hear from you. We can provide you with a platform for your business at MIPIM and, in our capacity as Frankfurt Economic Development, we can take care of the organisation for you.



Sandra Müller

Sandra Müller
Director Marketing, Trade Fairs & Events

+49 69 212 36216

Kerstin Herd

Kerstin Herd
Project Director Marketing, Trade Fairs & Events

+49 69 212 36218


Karin Strominski
Project Manager Marketing, Trade Fairs & Events

+49 69 212 39662

Premium Plus Partner 2024

Logo Frankfurt RheinMain

Premium Partner 2024


Logo Partner 2024




MIPIM 2023

[Translate to English:] Ein Bild des Zugangs zur Außenterrasse des Standes Frankfurt RheinMain auf der MIPIM 2023
[Translate to English:] Das Bild zeigt Kundengespräche auf der Außenterrasse des Standes Frankfurt RheinMain auf der MIPIM 2023
[Translate to English:] Ein Bild der belebten, sonnigen Außenterrasse des Standes Frankfurt RheinMain auf der MIPIM 2023
[Translate to English:] Das Bild zeigt ein Beispiel für das Catering auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand auf der MIPIM 2023
[Translate to English:] Eine Aufnahme des Innenbereichs des Gemeinschaftsstandes mit Blick auf den Empfangstresen
[Translate to English:] Das Bild zeigt Kundengespräche im Innenbereich des Gemeinschaftsstandes
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Sandra Müller

Sandra Müller
Director Marketing, Trade Fairs & Events

+49 69 212 36216

Kerstin Herd

Kerstin Herd
Project Director Marketing, Trade Fairs & Events

+49 69 212 36218